
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Codename PG is about to launch!

Hi there Friends!

Please read the following information as it is important that you understand how this launch will take place.
How will you know the programs has launched?
It is confirmed that the program will launch sometime today. yes, you read right: Today!
There is no specific time as yet although I will receive a very specific update anytime and I will be able to clearly indicate how/when it will launch.
This will ensure that you are kept totally abreast of all developments and more importantly, you will be able to join this as soon as it goes live.
Please check your inbox for the signup link that I will be sending in to you.
Better watch out for the email with the subject title: "Codename PG: We Have Launched!"
Once you've joined, you are to send an email to each of your leads with your referral link and invite them to join you.
Please remember to respect the Sponsorship lines!!
Quite a few have worked hard to bring this program to others so for those of you who are receiving this, then you should wait for my link, just like those who would receive your link should wait for you ( and will be advised as such).
I will keep you informed of everything. This is going to be huge so make some time to be around and let's get you in and start making some serious money with this one.
Full details will be provided on the site so that there should be no question that this is must join when you see the site and have a read of everything.
Please make sure that you are funded via one of the processors ( remember no Payza! So you will have to use EgoPay or do a Payza/STP swap with someone if you could.
Stay tuned and let's get you prepared for launch!

To our success,

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